Since its inception, Ory has been leading the charge in innovation across technical and commercial aspects of the industry. Today, we're excited to introduce Ory Network workspaces and an update to pricing that brings you the fairest, most cost-effective model yet – aimed at helping you scale and grow your business with confidence.

You're paying for compute by the hour, so why pay for your users by the month? With Ory's aDAU pricing, experience the fairest, most cost-effective model in the industry and save up to 85%. Welcome to 2024!

  • Ory Network introduces a new pricing structure with workspace-based billing.
  • Grandfathering existing plans under current subscription until the beginning of 2025.
  • New pricing offers significant discounts compared to competitors (e.g., 79% for 1,000 MAU).
  • Reach out to Ory Support for transitioning assistance or questions.

Updated subscription plans

We're evolving our subscription plans to better serve our customers:

  • Essentials is now Production
  • Scale has been updated to Growth
  • Enterprise continues to provide premium features

Simplified billing via workspaces

The Ory Network workspaces model bundles subscriptions within workspaces, grouping multiple projects under one plan. Previously you would sign up for separate subscriptions for staging environments. The new workspaces model includes production, staging, and development projects under one subscription and so enables notable cost savings for you. For instance, managing 4 environments would cost $116 (4*$29) under the old Essentials plan. The new Production plan now covers 1 production project, 3 staging environments, and 5 development projects for $70, saving you 40%!

Don’t pay extra for security

At Ory, we believe that robust security measures are not optional features to be purchased at a premium, but rather fundamental aspects of any reliable network service. That's why all our plans come equipped with top-tier security functionalities as standard, with no additional costs. All Ory Network plans include multi-factor authentication, biometrics, anti-automation, bot protection, hardware keys, no limits on social sign in providers, and more. This sets Ory Network apart from other solutions that charge extra for essential security.

Enhanced service levels

The updated plans include the following service improvements:

  • The Growth plan now operates under an SLA of 99.9%.
  • Support SLAs for Enterprise plans are available.
  • A dedicated support desk and ticketing system for Growth and Enterprise plans.

Additionally, we listened to your feedback and are increasing event retention times - one of the most popular features of Ory Network - by

  • 3.5x for the Production plan (7 days instead of 48 hours)
  • 4x for the Growth plan (30 days instead of 7 days)

Fair pricing with aDAU

Ory Network pricing is based on average daily active users (aDAU), a model that ensures fairness and cost-effectiveness compared to monthly active users (MAU). Here’s how aDAU provides a more equitable approach:

  • A single user active daily counts as 1 DAU.
  • A user active once a month equates to 1 DAU / 30 days = 0.03 aDAU.
  • A user active five times a month equates to 5 DAU / 30 days = 0.167 aDAU.
  • This model prevents spikes in usage from disproportionately affecting billing, unlike the MAU model, where a single high-traffic day could lead to inflated charges.

Example of aDAU Calculation

If your application has 1,000 DAUs for 29 days and a spike to 5,000 DAUs for one day, the aDAU is calculated as follows:

1000 DAU * 29 days + 5000 DAU * 1 day
------------------------------------- = 1,133.33 aDAU
                30 days

Under an MAU model, this could be interpreted as at least 5,000 MAUs from that single day plus unique users from all other days in the month. With a DAU/MAU ratio of 15%, 1.133,33 aDAUs translate to 6.7x more MAUs (7555 MAUs).

DAU vs MAU comparison

The industry sees DAU/MAU ratios between 6% and 20%. That means the average user uses an application between 2 and 6 days per month, which is the industry average for internet applications. Our observations show most Ory Network customers average a ~7.6% ratio, emphasizing the fairness of aDAU pricing. With an ~8% DAU/MAU ratio, the MAU number is more than 10 times higher than the aDAU number.

Updated pricing

To support growth and the scalability of our service, we've revised our unit prices as follows:

PlanaDAUPermission ChecksMachine-to-Machine Tokens

Committed usage discounts are available for enterprise plans. Chat with an expert.

Pricing advantage

Ory’s aDAU pricing model offers substantial savings over the competition’s MAU pricing, providing a competitive edge and greater transparency.

Price comparison and savings

Here's how Ory's pricing compares to competitors based on real-world scenarios:

MAUCost per MAU*Monthly billDAU/MAU ratioEstimated aDAUMonthly bill on Ory Production**Savings
* Example of MAU (Monthly Active Users) cost based on real-world data from a leading identity platform provider provider.** Usage costs only. The Production plan consists of a base price plus included usage credits, see full pricing.

Grandfathering and transitioning

Existing subscriptions will maintain their current pricing for at least the next 12 months. If you have multiple active subscriptions on Ory Network at the moment we encourage you to consider transitioning to our updated plans for more savings and simpler environment management. Reach out to Support if you are interested in transitioning to workspaces for your existing subscription or if you have any questions.


Ory Network's new pricing strategy emphasizes value, simplification, and our unwavering commitment to security. With the introduction of workspace-based billing and solidifying our aDAU pricing model, we're positioned to support our customers' growth while offering significant cost advantages and balancing the cost of scaling.

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